Assignment: Cat Database CRUD

In this assignment you will build a web based application to track data about cats (i.e. Tabby, Persian, Maine Coon, Siamese, Manx, etc.). We will only allow logged in users to track cats.


There are several resources you might find useful:

  • The sample CRUD code that we covered in class and used in previous assignments.
  • Sample Implementation

    You can experiment with a reference implementation at:

    The login information is as follows:

        Account: dj4e-crud
        Password: dj4e_nn_!
    The 'nn' is a 2-digit number that by now, you should be able to easily guess.

    Specifications / Tasks

    Here are some general specifications for this assignment:

    Hand-Testing Your Application

    While it might be tempting to edit all your code following the above instructions and immediately send it to the autograder, you usually can save a lot of time by running a quick hand-check of your application. Errors are much easier to see in a browser than in the autograder. Do all these steps:

    You should be able to do this hand test in about a minute once you do it a few times.

    Once you are confident that all the views are working without error, then you can send it to the autograder.

    Using the Autograder

    This assignment will be automatically graded. You will have unlimited attempts in the autograder until the deadline for submission. Your web server will need an Internet-accessible URL so you can submit it for autograding. You can do this either using PythonAnywhere.

    Please see the process for handing in the assignment at the end of this document.

    If the autograder complains about a missing "dj4e" meta tag, add or edit it in your home/templates/base_bootstrap.html file:

    <meta name="dj4e" content="--provided-by-autograder--">
    If the autograder does not find the tag, it will run all the tests but will not treat the grade as official.

    If the autograder complains about a missing "dj4e-code" meta tag, add or edit it in your home/templates/base_bootstrap.html file:

    <meta name="dj4e-code" content="missing">
    If you are adding an application to an existing Django project that you have already run through the autograder, you probably already have good value for both meta tags in your template file.

    What To Hand In

    This assignment will be autograded by a link that you will be provided with in the LMS system. When you launch the autograder, it will prompt for a web-accessible URL where it can access your web application.

    Provided by:
    Copyright Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 - Charles R. Severance