Classified Ad Web Site - Milestone 2

In this assignment, you will expand your classified ads web site to add functionality equivalent to:

The primary additions from the previous milestone are to add add comments for each ad. You must keep all the features from previous assignments working.

You will build this application by borrowing parts and pieces from the code that runs

and blending them into a your application.

Adding Comments to the Ads Application

Important Note: If you find you have a problem saving files in the PythonAnywhere system using their browser-based editor, you might need to turn off your ad blocker for this site - weird but true.

In this section, you will pull bits and pieces of the forum sample application into your ads application to add support for comments for each ad.

(1) Update your adding the comment feature from the forums/

class Ad(models.Model) :

    owner = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    comments = models.ManyToManyField(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL,
        through='Comment', related_name='comments_owned')

class Comment(models.Model) :
    text = models.TextField(
        validators=[MinLengthValidator(3, "Comment must be greater than 3 characters")]

    ad = models.ForeignKey(Ad, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
    owner = models.ForeignKey(settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL, on_delete=models.CASCADE)

    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
    updated_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now=True)

    # Shows up in the admin list
    def __str__(self):
        if len(self.text) < 15 : return self.text
        return self.text[:11] + ' ...'

Do not add the Forum model - simply connect the Comment model to the Ad model. Of course do the migrations once you have modified the model successfully.

(2) Pull the CommentForm class from forums/ into your

(3) Adapt the get() method from ForumDetailView to your AdDetailView to retrieve the list of comments and create the CommentForm and pass them into your templates/ads/ad_detail.html template through the context.

(4) Adapt the templates/ads/ad_detail.html template to show comments and show a delete icon when a comment belongs to the current logged in user.

(5) Also add the ability to add a comment to an ad in ad_detail.html when the user is logged in by looking at the techniques in forums/templates/forums/detail.html.

(6) Add a route in for the ad_comment_create and ad_comment_delete routes from forums/ Make sure to use the same URL patterns as shown here:

urlpatterns = [
        views.CommentCreateView.as_view(), name='ad_comment_create'),
        views.CommentDeleteView.as_view(success_url=reverse_lazy('ads:all')), name='ad_comment_delete'),

(7) Adapt the comment related views from forums/ and put them into your

(8) You will have to adapt the forums/templates/forums/comment_delete.html template to work in your ads application.

Manual Testing

It is always a good idea to manually test your application before submitting it for grading. Here are a set of manual test steps:

Do Some or All of the Challenges

You will have to finish these by the next assignment - so you might as well work on them now. And they are fun.

(1) Make yourself a gravatar at - it is super easy and you will see your avatar when you log in in your application and elsewhere with gravatar enabled apps. The gravatar can be anything you like - it does not have to be a picture of you. The gravatar is associated with an email address so make sure to give an email address to the user you create with createsuperuser.

(2) Change your home/static/favicon.ico to a favicon of your own making. I made my favicon at - it might not change instantly after you update the favicon because they are cached extensively. Probably the best way to test is to go right to the favicon url after you update the file and press 'Refresh' and/or switch browsers. Sometimes the browser caching is "too effective" on a favicon so to force a real reload to check if the new favicon is really being served you can add a GET parameter to the URL to force it to be re-retrieved:

Change the x value to something else if you want to test over and over.

(3) Make social login work. Take a look at, copy it into mysite/mysite/ and go through the process on github to get your client ID and secret. The documentation is in comments of the file. Also take a look at dj4e-samples/ and make sure that the "Switch to social login" code is correct and at the end of your mysite/mysite/

You can register two applications with github - one on localhost and one on PythonAnywhere. If you are using github login on localhost - make sure that you register instead of http://localhost:8000/ and use that in your browser to test your site. If you use localhost, you probably will get the The redirect_uri MUST match the registered callback URL for this application. error message when you use social login.